Ladja Bela krajina

M/V LUCIJA (II) is intended for the transport of bulk cargoes.

Length: 185.1 m

Breadth: 30.5 m

Deadweight: 43,193 tons

Engine: 7,781 kW

Built: 1995

Purchased: 2003

The Engine Room
is the Heart
of any Vessel

The vessels of Splošna Plovba are powered by propulsion engines from 5,280 kW to 9,480 kW, which enable speeds from 12.5 to 18.8 knots (Nm/h). For example, one of our newest vessels "Nova Gorica" has a propulsion engine weighting 212 tons, is 6.44 m in length and 3.15 m in width, with a power of 9,480 kW.

Besides the propulsion engine, which takes up the greater part of the engine room, vessels are usually also equipped with three diesel generators for providing electricity to the ship’s systems, and a variety of pumps, separators, compressors, and other equipment for the comfort of the crew.

The propulsion engine
of M/V Lucija (II).

The control room in the
engine roomof M/V
Lucija (II).

M/V Lucija (II) – the navigation bridge and engine control console.

The diesel generators ensure smooth and simultaneous operation of all systems.