M/V PIRAN (I) was the first vessel of Splošna Plovba ordered in a Japanese shipyard. The delivery of the vessel inspired the idea of establishing the around the world line. M/V Piran was mostly employed in the tramp trade or time chartered . At the time of her delivery she was the largest vessel of the Yugoslav merchant fleet. She was scrapped in Split.
Length: 158.2 m |
Breadth: 19.7 m |
Deadweight: 16,076 tons |
Engine: 5,295 kW |
Built: 1959 |
Purchased: 1959 |
Sold: 1986 |
Scrapped: 1986 |
the World Line
With the purchase of modern newly built and secondhand liner vessels the circumstances had evolved for transition to liner activities. The first two main liner services were introduced by Splošna Plovba in the late fifties and early sixties of the previous century. They were: the Around the World Line in the eastern direction and the liner service to the USA. On both lines, vessels transported general cargoes.
The crew of M/V LJUTOMER were awarded the Blue Ribbon by the Zagreb newspaper Vjesnik. In the former Yugoslavia the Blue Ribbon was awarded to an individual seafarer or a group of seafarers for proven excellence at sea in the previous year. The crew of M/V Ljutomer earned it for their extraordinary sacrifice, ingenuity and persistence in extinguishing the fire in the ship’s engine room. She was employed on the Around the World Line. The vessel was scrapped in Alang, India.
Length: 148.4 m |
Breadth: 19.6 m |
Deadweight: 9,120 tons |
Engine: 6,711 kW |
Built: 1965 |
Purchased: 1965 |
Sold: 1988 |
Scrapped: 1990 |
M/V LITIJA was a typical modern liner vessel employed on the Around the World Line. Her sister ship "Logatec" was sold to the shipping company Jugolinija at the time of her construction and was renamed to "Pag". She was scrapped in Alang, India.
Length: 148.6 m |
Breadth: 20.0 m |
Deadweight: 10,493 tons |
Engine: 7,244 kW |
Built: 1969 |
Purchased: 1969 |
Sold: 1989 |
Scrapped: 1997 |
M/V POSTOJNA from a series of two sister liner vessels was the first vessel in the Yugoslav merchant fleet which had a semi-automated engine room. She had exceptionally large storage space for refrigerated cargoes and was employed on different lines of the company. She was scrapped in Alang, India.
Length: 147.8 m |
Breadth: 19.9 m |
Deadweight: 11,355 tons |
Engine: 6,031 kW |
Built: 1967 |
Purchased: 1967 |
Sold: 1989 |
Scrapped: 1992 |