Ladja Nova Gorica (II)

NOVA GORICA (II) was built for Splošna Plovba in a Chinese shipyard, in 2008. It is employed for transporting bulk cargoes.

Length: 190.0 m

Breadth: 32.7 m

Deadweight: 53,321 tons

Engine: 9,480 kW

Built: 2008

Purchased: 2008

Heading for New Achievements

Globally, Splošna Plovba is a medium size shipping company. In January 2010, the fleet numbered 20 vessels with a deadweight of 800,000 tons.

Continuous improvement of quality, increase of fleet size and quantity of carried cargo is an assurance for a successful future.

Total deadweight capacity of Splošna Plovba’s vessels and cargo transported in m/t from 1954 onward (own and bareboat chartered vessels).

Splošna Plovba Ltd. operates as the Splošna Plovba Group. As of September 30, 2009, the Group is comprised of:

NANOS (II) is employed in the tramp trade for transporting bulk cargoes.

Length: 189.8 m

Breadth: 32.7 m

Deadweight: 50,296 tons

Engine: 8,090 kW

Built: 2002

Purchased: 2006

KOPER (II) is employed in the tramp trade for transporting bulk cargoes.

Length: 157.5 m

Breadth: 25.0 m

Deadweight: 22,150 tons

Engine: 5,295 kW

Built: 1993

Purchased: 2005